

Empowering Youth and Communities to Lead the Climate Change Battle: The Success of DOT Tanzania’s Climate Corps Project

From January to March 2024, DOT Tanzania, with the support of the CISCO Foundation, implemented a groundbreaking Youth-Led Climate Awareness and Action Project across four key regions in Tanzania; Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Mwanza, and Pemba. The project design aimed to harness the energy, innovation, and leadership potential of youth to combat climate change at […]

Recent POSTS

A report on insights gained from the 2020 Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) 2020, hosted virtually by Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) and the Information Communications Technology (ICT) Commission, Tanzania.

The Digital Shift Report: Perspectives from the Tanzania Youth Digital Summit 2020

We are pleased to present a snapshot of the insights gained from the 2020 Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS), hosted virtually by Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) and the Information Communications Technology (ICT) Commission, Tanzania.  TYDS is an annual collaboration geared towards supporting digital skills development among Tanzanian youth. The event inspires the innovation and participation […]


Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) 2020

Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) 2020

Theme: ‘The Digital Shift’ Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Tanzania is a youth-led movement of daring social innovators who have the tools, knowledge, and networks to create opportunities and transform their own communities.  The TYDS Concept Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) is an annual event organized by DOT Tanzania in partnership with the ICT Commission, to […]


Call for Partnerships- Tanzania Youth Digital Summit 2020

Call for Partnerships: Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) 2020

Theme: ‘The Digital Shift’ Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Tanzania is a youth-led movement of daring social innovators who have the tools, knowledge, and networks to create opportunities and transform their own communities.  The TYDS Concept Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) is an annual event organized by DOT Tanzania in partnership with the ICT Commission, to […]



Eustina: It feels so good to be financially free

  Eustina used to have to carry her clothes door to door, looking for customers to sell her textiles to in order to support herself. It was exhausting, time-consuming and her products were moving too slow to make her any real money, forcing her to be financially dependent on her parents. Now, thanks to her […]


DOT Tanzania receives The National Lottery Community Fund Grant

                           MARCH 13, 2019, DAR ES SALAAM — Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Tanzania is pleased to announce that it has received a grant from The National Lottery Community Fund for the pilot program, Entrepreneurship Development Program for Youth with Disabilities (EP4YWD)! In partnership with […]


TOP 10 Social Enterprises of Dare 2 Change Tanzania 2018

The Dare 2 Change Tanzania Program is an exclusive six-week program for young social innovators in Tanzania to gain 21st-century skills, develop their ideas, prototype and test them. Throughout the program, the youth have access to training, resources, and networks that empower them to transform their social innovation ideas into products and services.  The program -facilitated […]
