Archives: post

Unleashing 101 Young Graduates as Community Leaders and Agents of Positive Change in Tanzania

Impact of Community  Leadership Program in Tanzania In Tanzania 101 young graduates, (70% of them being young women) graduated from colleges across 12 regions in Tanzania, all searching for employment opportunities. They embarked on a journey characterized by the significant challenge of entering a labor market struggling to accommodate the nearly 1 million young Tanzanians […]

DOT Transforms 1,000 Tanzanian Youth Through Digital Skills For Employment

Impact of Digital Jobs Program in Tanzania In Tanzania, a group of 1,044 ambitious young men and women embarked on a path of transformation by enrolling in the Digital Jobs Program. They were determined to distinguish themselves in the ever-evolving job landscape. These unemployed and underemployed young professionals hailed from diverse educational and social backgrounds, […]

The Digital Shift Report: Perspectives from the Tanzania Youth Digital Summit 2020

We are pleased to present a snapshot of the insights gained from the 2020 Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS), hosted virtually by Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) and the Information Communications Technology (ICT) Commission, Tanzania.  TYDS is an annual collaboration geared towards supporting digital skills development among Tanzanian youth. The event inspires the innovation and participation […]

Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) 2020

Theme: ‘The Digital Shift’ Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Tanzania is a youth-led movement of daring social innovators who have the tools, knowledge, and networks to create opportunities and transform their own communities.  The TYDS Concept Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) is an annual event organized by DOT Tanzania in partnership with the ICT Commission, to […]

Call for Partnerships: Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) 2020

Theme: ‘The Digital Shift’ Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Tanzania is a youth-led movement of daring social innovators who have the tools, knowledge, and networks to create opportunities and transform their own communities.  The TYDS Concept Tanzania Youth Digital Summit (TYDS) is an annual event organized by DOT Tanzania in partnership with the ICT Commission, to […]

Eustina: It feels so good to be financially free

  Eustina used to have to carry her clothes door to door, looking for customers to sell her textiles to in order to support herself. It was exhausting, time-consuming and her products were moving too slow to make her any real money, forcing her to be financially dependent on her parents. Now, thanks to her […]

Linus: Developing Digital Skills Made My Business Boom

Linus was born in the Tanga region and completed his primary education in 2000. In the whole ward there was only one secondary school, and at that time only two students were to ever chosen to move on to the secondary school level. Being a hard-working student but an average performer, Linus did not stand […]