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Unleashing 101 Young Graduates as Community Leaders and Agents of Positive Change in Tanzania

Impact of Community  Leadership Program in Tanzania In Tanzania 101 young graduates, (70% of them being young women) graduated from colleges across 12 regions in Tanzania, all searching for employment opportunities. They embarked on a journey characterized by the significant challenge of entering a labor market struggling to accommodate the nearly 1 million young Tanzanians […]

Press Release:Gender and Digital Skills Working Group

DOT Tanzania Leads Gender and Digital Skills Working Group Co-creation DOT Tanzania has seen an opportunity to develop a “Gender and Digital Skills Working Group” where digital skills stakeholders can engage to accelerate digital literacy among young women in Tanzania.  The main objective is to achieve digital inclusion for young women, as well as reduce […]

Eustina: It feels so good to be financially free

  Eustina used to have to carry her clothes door to door, looking for customers to sell her textiles to in order to support herself. It was exhausting, time-consuming and her products were moving too slow to make her any real money, forcing her to be financially dependent on her parents. Now, thanks to her […]